The Week of the Pennington Place Fire begins innocuously enough, but the smoke-filled basement harbors a secret. By the time the clean-up crew discovers a flip-flop in the coal bin, Ruthalice (Ali) Michels is seamlessly dispensing daily doses of pastoral care to the residents of Emerick College while pursuing her own suspicions about the Penn Place Fire.
Day of Trouble by Patricia Thomas
After accompanying her professor husband to his professional meetings, Ruthalice (Ali) Michels heads for the riverside park and becomes the sole witness to a drowning. The first in a disturbing sequence of events embroils the campus minister in a maelstrom of competing loyalties.
With the discovery of a body under the fume hood in Dalton Science Hall, Laboratory #4, Ruthalice (Ali) Michels, campus minister at Emerick College, is drawn deeper and deeper into a sordid ‘this sort of thing never happens at Emerick College’ tragedy.