Our Feathered Friends

On the first Saturday in December it seems fitting to me to celebrate the world of birds! I have been a back-yard birder and provider of seed and other goodies for years and years and years! I remember trips with my mother in the very early morning hours with fellow birders, to spot sandhill cranes and bitterns and in the early evening to listen to Great Horned owls and Barn owls as we crept silently into their world.

For my 65th birthday my sister sent me a book called The Bedside Book of Birds – an Avian Miscellany by Graeme Gibson. This book has lavish illustrations and stories from around the world and through the centuries – a veritable tome of information for every reader who also happens to be a bird lover.

We will hear stories about the raven and poems about vultures and mockingbirds with a delightful essay from the author about the joys of birdwatching. And of course, a bit of musical hilarity from the Eels with a song called simply I love Birds.